Today is Mr. Downeastdoingstuff's birthday. I dedicate this post to him.
He is my BFF (sorry, Donna). My Best Friend Forever and Ever, so I guess he's my BFFAE.
I'm so glad this day exists, because if he wasn't born on this day, I wouldn't have my BFFAE, and that would be very sad.
He is also the best looking guy in the world, as you can see below....

OK, OK, here is a picture of him.....
Oh, this is embarrassing....that's Tom Selleck (I just realized, if you're not old enough, you might not know who he is....) (Not that I'M that old, I just heard about him somewhere, I think, and thought he was sweet.)

Alright, this is Mr. Downeastdoingstuff.
OMG. I don't know what's happening? This isn't him either! It's Gerard Butler as the Phantom of the Opera, I think. I don't know how he got into this blog post. He is darn cute, though, now that I look at him...And as the Phantom, be still my heart. I would've picked the Phantom over that Raoul guy any day, oh yes and what a bod! And those eyes........

Ahem. cough. cough.
Ok, Ok, OK....THIS IS HIM !!! A couple of years younger and reading a book already. He's so smart.
(YES, It really is him...)
Well, for your information... I HAVE been mistaken for Johnny Depp at the mall, or was that Keith Richards? I can't remember.hahahaha
I think its soooo sweet that you both communicate via blog.... aahhhhhh!
I think Mr Depp is gorgeous...and Tom selleck was my dream guy when I was little... love him in that red sports car! and 3 men and a baby/lady! I am not sure who the next fellow is... but half his face is quite attractive.. I think!
and the young man at the end is adorable... you are a very lucky lady indeed... and I don't care who knows how old I am... but if they could tell me I would appreciate it as I keep forgeting! lol ;D
Happy Birthday Mr Downeast!
Happy Birthday to your adorable husband. It is so sweet to still be so in love! Hugs, Kathleen
And a gorgeous day it is in Maine for a birthday! Hope you two have an enjoyable day!
You are sooo funny my friend! Happy birthday to your BFFAE....such a cute picture of him at that age reading a book!? Sounds like you have a wonderful sweet!
Elena, why have I never come to your blog before? It's a riot. You bet I'll be coming from now on. Hope you get a really big piece of Birdman's cake today.
Happy Birthday Birdman! May your day be filled with the sweet sound of birdsong.
Elenka I have a BFFAE also, and I can't imagine my world without my food critic :)
How sweet - lovely post!!!!
Happy Birthday to your hubby!
Oh my gosh.. how ridiculously CUTE!! JD.. melts my heart eh
Happy Birthday to the hubs!!
I. Loved. This. Post.
What a wonderful tribute. (and thanks for the eye candy);)
This was soooooooooo precious. Happy Birthday to your hubbs...
What a sweet and funny post. Full of love.
Wow. Your husband is hot in all of his photos! Hope he had a great birthday.
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