I am always cold.
I know that when I'm not cold, ain't nobody cold.
I do everything I can never to be cold. ( except for where I chose to live! Slight miscalculation in that department.)
We have a heated mattress pad that I LOVE ! I turn it on about 1 hour before I go to bed. Full Blast!!!!
So when we decided to remodel our bathroom last summer, we decided to splurge and have a heated floor put in.
See how it's done? Here are the heating wires that were installed.
Then a layer of thinset gunk is poured on top of the wires. When that dries, the tiles are then installed.
There also is a programmable timer on the wall that you can program into 4 different settings each day.
After enjoying the heated floor immensely for a few weeks, I had an unbelievable BRAINSTORM !
And after watching my cat loll around on the aforementioned floor and feeling how gosh darned warm the area rug was in front of the sink, I realized that if I put some of my clothes on the floor for about 5 to 10 minutes just before I get dressed in the morning, they will be warm when I put them on!!!!
Upon doing some quick research, I found out that there are lots of other things that are heated.
For example:

You can warm up your tootsies with these heated sox.

You can warm your fingers with heated gloves. (I wouldn't get them wet while wearing, tho.)

There are heated toilet seats to warm your buns.

If you have a dog that goes into heat a lot, you can buy him this toy. It's called a Hotdoll. Really.