Home sweet home, that's for sure. That's for darn sure!
My sweetie is home. I arrived at the hospital this morning to participate in a 'class' for patients and family on "Going Home...". A sweet, sweet nurse outlined the details of what life at home will, should, might be like. There were 2 other patients there, all men, one other guy with his wife. One man appeared to be half asleep during the informal presentation and the other guy was moving furniture around and hopping around like a bunny. (He was promptly told to cool it...)
There was still a chance he might not go home, as we were waiting for the results of a blood test to see how well his blood was thinning. The results came back just under the wire for going home-ability, and he got the OK!
He really didn't eat or sleep well in the hospital, or as they say in England, didn't sleep well in hospital, but on the way home he made me stop at a local deli and get an 'Italian' (New England) sandwich and a large container of beef stew, which he promptly devoured! We started watching Julie and Julia, upon which he fell asleep in the recliner. He slept for about 2 hours and now is reading his e-mails on his laptop!!
Here's hoping for a strong and uneventful recovery, because, as I told you before...I 'suck' as a nurse!
Happy Day !!
Green Goddess Salad Dressing
4 hours ago