One way I further my education is by studying blogs. Blogs that deal with art, food, making things, decorating, food, humor, travel and food.
Some blogs have a gazillion followers.....some don't. They're all good.
But every once in a while I come across something I don't get. It seems like those people that work in the so called 'think tanks' need something to do now and then so they think up new and cutting edge terminology that suddenly envelops the world.
Such as people saying...."Having said that......blah, blah, blah....."
As it is, it's all I can do to keep up with LOL, OMG, BFF and WTF.
Suddenly, in the more fashionable blogs, I see the terms, "after the jump". This is usually after someone's introductory paragraph for their blog entry.
Stuff like that drives me nuts, or even to drink.
WTF is 'after the jump'??? Someone.....anyone.... please tell me!
Well, I don't hear anyone answering my question, so I guess I have to do the research myself.
Here is what I found out.....
After the motorcycle jump looks like this......
