Sunday, June 13, 2010

What to do, what to do...

In a few weeks we will be going on a cruise. I am trying to pick out an excursion for us to participate in on one of the Islands. 

There are so many exciting things to do like going to a place called Butterflies Galore or going on a high speed boat that will get you soaking wet making 180 degree turns thus making you puke. (really)

What to do....what to do.

So upon perusing all the choices, I came across this one....

ZT01 - Scuba Dive With Equipment

PRICE: ADULT: 119.00 / CHILD: 119.00 USD

DURATION: 4 Hours Approx.


ZT02 - Scuba Dive Without Equipment

PRICE: ADULT: 109.00 / CHILD: 109.00 USD

DURATION: 4 Hours Approx.

Now I'm no diving expert, I can't even open my eyes under water, but I do know that in order to Scuba Dive YOU HAVE TO HAVE SOME SORT OF EQUIPMENT!!!

(Don't you?)