I saw fried ice cream on the menu at the beach. OK, someone tell me, why would ice cream need any help at all, especially from oil?
And think about all the molecules of ice cream that have melted away in the frying process.
What a waste of resources.
My husband, Mr. Downeastdoingstuff, is always thinking. His thoughts really flow with a bottle of wine.
(Ask our contractor, most of the work and additions to our house popped into Mr. DEDS head via vino. All worth it, I might add.
This time he E-MAILS me this tidbit. (yes, we do live in the same house. I was actually IN the house with him when he e-mailed me this.) (although I should talk....I've actually called him on his cell from my cell while we were both in the house!)
Nevertheless....here it is.....
"Hey, it's HOT out but...
Ok- maybe I've been out in the heat a bit much. I've been thinkin'--- here are some innovative ideas that should be tried immediately
1. in summer wash shorts and wear immediately! Wet. Real cool! Try it!
2. Eliminate the month of March immediately! Each month takes on 2-3 extra days. Birthdays moved to other months. The month is a mental DRAG!
3. Buy a car--- the car is immediately registered for 100 years! No charge! No questions! Also-- a one time inspection sticker is given at that time.
4. Make it REAL hard to fall in love! You know make it emotionally and physically challenging. Make it like a Game Show! I haven't got this one all worked out yet. THEN--Incentives should be given 10 years, 15, 20 and so on you get valued coupons. (too many divorces on this planet)
5. No more irons... put on your clothes with a million wrinkles, then walk under this quick-iron machine, like the metal detector at airports. An instant dry mister(like at Disney in summer months) filled with water and Wrinkle-free. Sort of like getting freeze-dried, fast, no curling of hair, and clothers instantly ironed and pressed. This would save me lots of time and complaining! Both by me and others I love."
The last one may have been a residual inspiration from one of my previous posts on ironing. Or maybe it's because I refuse to iron any of his stuff.
I'm sure he'll email me and let me know. Looking forward to hearing from him.