Anyway, it was a beautiful fall weekend so we took off at the crack of 7:30 a.m., heading 'downeast'.
This is looking down Main Street in downtown Bar Harbor. As you can see, tourist season has passed....just the way we like it. (no offense to potential tourists.)

One of the many hotels dotting the coast. Peak foliage season is past, but there are still some bright colors to tickle the senses.
Wicked good ice cream to be had. ( I would think it is wicked good. We didn't have any, but isn't most ice cream wicked good? We had a beer instead in a bar overlooking the water.) (SOOOOO nice!)
This is from the top of Cadillac Mountain. Those white specks below are where we were in Bar Harbor.
The road to the top of this magnificent mountain is part of the Park Loop Road in Acadia National Park.
There is a second piece to Acadia National Park, called Schoodic, but that is on the next peninsula of land, about 45 minutes to an hour away.
We stayed in a wonderful Bed and Breakfast at Schoodic. Those photos are coming next......