My mother used to iron everything. Hankercheifs (precursors to kleenex), sheets and who knows what else? I have never seen an iron in my father's hands.
So when I got married, it took me about 15 minutes to realize that I ain't gonna be ironing anything like her.
It took me 15 minutes of ironing both of our clothes in the tiny space in our apartment between the dining 'area' and the living room, while my newly-wed had his feet up watching a football game on the T.V., to realize that this is not the way it was going to be.
That was it.
Eversince then, for the past 34 years, it's been every man for himself. I iron my own stuff, and he irons his.
Here is a picture of me ironing in those good old days......

Now, speaking of ironing, someone I know thought it would be a good idea, one day, to iron a shirt while it was ON his body. This person is normally an intelligent human being, but on this particular day, there must have been a mental lapse of some sort. An episode. He now possesses a permanent reminder, a branding, of exactly what the shape of the tip of that iron was. Look for yourself....
A forensic department, if this was a crime scene, would be able to say instantly and unequivocally, 'Case Closed'.
I remember my mother used to spritz her clothes with water, roll them up, put them in plastic bags and put the clothes in the Frigidaire, for a while. (DON'T ask me why....)
No need to spritz the clothes where this guy irons. ( I don't know, but if there's a tag on every hairdryer that tells you not to use it in the tub, wouldn't there be one of those tags on an iron, too?) I'm just saying....
See, everyone spritzes their clothes before ironing!
Just make sure you check that tow rope while you are ironing! Nice and taut.
I agree.
Now, upon further investigation, apparently not everyone irons like my mother did, or even like I did back in those days.
For example...

Now, this guy just goes to the arctic to iron, thus not needing a fridge. I guess I never thought about who ironed the penguins suits !!

Back of a Taxi......
Anyway, anybody notice, that all of these people ironing (except for me at the beginning) are MEN?
Again, case closed.
LOL! I remember my mother putting the ironing in the frig too.
The only way my sister irons is when she has a bunch of wine coolers. Since she only drinks when she irons, it gets pretty interesting.
I am with you - every person for himself re: ironing here at our house.
Mike used to do all the ironing, and the dishes...Damn, I miss that too!
I do the ironing, Mr P has learnt since his 5 week stay in America.. where he realised its not as easy as I make it look...
I take my hat off to those dancers... they should have something like that in the olympics, I reacon they would get a huge following! :o)
x Alex
Funny post! I don't like ironing either and do it only in extreme circumstances. My mom used to sprinkle, roll and refrigerate too! I've never known what that was about but when I tried it I fogot the clothes were in the fridge and then there was a mold incident and it was just nasty. Thanks for the sweet memories...take care Elenka...I admire your upper body strength in that pic!
Well we sprinkled and rolled too, but then this was the time before permanent press .. everything back then was 100% cotton, and if you ever tried to wear cotton clothing or sleep on cotton sheets without ironing them, lets just say you would look like an unmade bed.
Yeah for permanent press, I dry it .. shake it out and hang it up :)
I was "trained" to iron by mom at 5 years old .. on Daddy's hankies.
Everyone in my household was taught to iron (children) and my husband has always ironed his own .. me? I iron the least LOL
I love the iron - I know - don't throw your irons at me. :-) Of course now I don't have to iron every single bit of clothes we wear. We used to sprinkle and put clothes in the fridge - the reason being that the clothes don't get moldy in the fridge while the sprinkling permeates every bit of the article. And then the cold clothes iron better when the super hot iron hits them.
On gloomy days (sometimes the weather is gloomy, sometimes I am) I like to get out all my linens - tablecloths, napkins, pillowcases, etc, and iron them all over again and rearrange the linen closet - it is so comforting and everything is so pretty afterwards. Even if they have already been ironed I like to do it again.
I taught all three kids to iron - and we constantly had dropped irons and broken irons - when I declared that we all were going to pitch in and share the cost of the new iron - since everyone used it - we never had a broken iron after that. Strange, don't you think? LOL
Hi Elenka, Cute post!!!! I laughed and laughed... I say---let's LET the MEN do all of the ironing. Okay???? My mother used to wash on Mondays and iron on Tuesdays. Me???? These days I don't iron anything. Luckily, we don't have much that ever needs ironing. Thank Goodness--because I probably wouldn't do it EVEN if it needed it... ha ha
Have a great day.
Where did you get that picture of me, the pole and the ironing board :)
I only iron what is absolutely necessary, but I think I wouldn't mind it if I had a laundry room where I could keep the ironing board set up. It's the hassle of getting it out that irritates me.
Those pictures were amazing - MEN IRONING? Who has ever heard of that before??
Whoa, whoa, whoa!!!
You DID have a previous life before meeting Mr. DownEastDoingStuff! I knew it! Anymore pictures? Forget the ironing board and all that crap about spraying 'unmentionables' and putting them in the frig. Please post more pictures asap.
You are so funny! I do like to iron pillow cases with scented linen water though, but anything else forget it! I keep my iron in the guest room and I doubt if my husband even knows we have one...
Hi Elenka,
I am also an artist living in Maine. Just moved from Machias to Portland. Your paintings are very nice, and your posts are very amusing and interesting.
Check my website, tel me what you think..
My Mom used to do that thing with all the spinklin' and rollin'. I was enthralled with it. I still iron...shirts, pillowcases, and my husband's hankerchiefs. I really kind of like it. I iron sitting down watching my favorite shows on TV. Oh, and thank you for clearing up the penquins suits...I always wondered, too. Hugs, Kathleen
I had forgotten about "extreme ironing". How funny to see folks in odd places ironing. I love the idea.
Ironing, I don't mind. Bleaching, however, is not my friend. jan
Great pictures! I actually enjoy ironing - there's something about the smell of hot cotton that I love. That said - my husband only buys no-iron shirts and slacks.
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