Yesterday we had Mr. Stanley Steemer come and super steem [sic] our rugs in the family room and the hallway. Since those rugs have beens wicked scuzzy for a while and because our own Hoover rug shampooer uses only two tiny round toothbrushes to 'scrub' the rug at snail speed, we had to take drastic measures. Yes, Stanley Steemer is as drastic as we get. Whew.
Although, we did have Stanley Soot come several times to clean our chimney in the past. That was a hoot.
To prepare for our scuzz expungement, we had to remove stuff from the room and put it in our summer porch. Within 20 minutes the summer porch was jammed to the rafters with stuff.
We are not hoarders in our main house. (DO NOT look in the two attics.....ever....) The stuff we have is regular stuff. And the stuff was all in order as we had a family gathering 4 days before, no clutter to be seen. (Don't look in the attic.)
It made me realize that I can never move. I starting looking around to see what I would take with me when I retire and move to Tahiti.
It's going to be very expensive.
I need to start heaving things right now.
Even all those hundreds of Beanie Babies we got Baby Downeastdoingstuff, you know, for investment purposes.
And my trolls, too? Say it ain't so.....