Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Chicken Divan...healthified !

So, I'm supposed to be on a salt restricted diet. Which means no more added salt. Which means no more picking up the salt granules from the bottom of the 'big salted pretzel' bag with a saliva wet finger and munching on every crunchy particle with delight.
Getting older sucks.
So (sigh) here is my Mom's recipe for Chicken Divan-made healthy.
I love this recipe.
This is how I do it.
Use 3 Cups (or a little more) shredded chicken. I cook mine at supersonic speed in the microwave in chunks and then I shred it by hand. You can chop it instead, but I like it shredded.

Cook one bunch of broccoli, and sorta chop it somewhat.

Place broccoli in bottom of greased 9" x 13" pan. I used PAM spray to grease.

Spread shredded chicken on top of the broccoli.

Put 2 cans of Cream of Mushroom soup into a small bowl. (I used the sodium restricted one.)

Stir in 1 Cup Mayo. (I used Smart Balance Omega Plus mayo) (It's not bad, really !)

Also mix in 2 tbsp. lemon juice, 1/2 tsp. curry powder and Mrs. Dash Table Blend to taste. (this is the salt substitute.)  :-(  (Although, Mrs. Dash has tons of other flavors which I use a lot. I carry one in my purse and use it on salads in restaurants along with Olive Oil and Vinegar that I put on by myself.) (From the restaurant.) (Yes, they have it.) (Just ask.)
Spread this mixture on top of the chicken and broccoli.

Shred 1/4 lb. of sharp cheddar cheese. I used Monteray Jack Cheese. Spread the shredded cheese over the top of the soup mixture.

Next, melt some butter. (I just eyeball it, probably around 2 tablespoons) I use Smart Balance 'butter'. Add some breadcrumbs to it until you get a nice crumbly texture with the 'butter' mixed in. (I make my own whole wheat bread crumbs from the heels of whole wheat bread that I keep in the toaster oven tray. It gets the residual heat from whenever I make toast.) Spread over the top of the Chicken Divan.

Bake at 350 º for 1/2 hour.

Serve over rice.
This is soooo good. I hope you enjoy it! (you can unhealthify it if you want.)