I love defying superstitions right in their faces.
I will sit in seat 13, I will walk under a ladder, I will pick up a piece of lava/pumice from the parking lot of Mount St. Helens.
I heard on the radio this morning that there will be 3 Friday the 13th's this year and they are 13 weeks apart from each other. Yippee!!
But I didn't really care because that night I went to see.........

And I went all by myself. (well, there were other people in the audience, but I didn't know them.)
The previous weekend I went online, found a decent SINGLE ticket and got it. Mr. Downeastdoingstuff was nice enough to think about me walking around, all alone, in the dark in the big city, so he actually drove me to the door and then later, picked me up!! Very, very nice.
That's the way he is.
All day long I could see the trucks parked in a parking lot near my school. Three big mother suckers.
It was very enjoyable. BUT I didn't care for the guy that played Sam Carmichael.

Who would pose for a photo like that? I don't think it's at all sexy or anything.
Take a breath already.
You decide....
But, other than that, it was great fun. I still think I like the Movie better. Being in actual Greece with the aqua water and all that, well, I like that better.
My program. (Black and white? Run out of ink in the color cartridge?)
I'm still singing....ahhh....
I'm still singing....ahhh....