Apparently, because there was nothing else on my mind at the time, I thought about how one never sees that style of seat in anyone's home. Why not?
I went home and asked Johnny Depp Mr. Downeast doing stuff what he thinks about this. After some rolling of the eyes, he said, "Probably for men."
I said, "huh?" "Don't men lift the seat?"
"He said, "not when they're sitting down."
After that comment, I decided I didn't want to know anymore.
But I was thinking about all the different types of toilet seats out there. I've only experienced a few:
1. Regular (hard seat)
2. Wooden (we had one, it eventually split itself. Needed duct tape to fix it. Unpleasant situation for a while.)
3. Soft seat. (Creepy)
4. The aforementioned split seat. (see***)
So I did some research for you because I know you don't have time. Here is what I've found.
You can get.....
Painted seats: Some people would like custom painted seats, you know, with a portrait of your sweetie, Cha Cha.

Or perhaps a guitar theme seat: Provides good acoustics for your music.

How about a Sponge Bob Square Pants seat?

Or a square seat: For Sponge Bob Square Pants and his ilk.

Maybe someLED lights seats: You can illuminate the job.

Or the face toilet: Bite my butt! Grrrr

This is the golfers toilet seat cover: (There must be a joke about a 'hole in one' for this.)

The up and at 'em toilet seat: Guaranteed to wake you up in the morning.

This is a 24 carat gold toilet available in Hong Kong, for all of you receiving a stimulus package or a million dollar bonus. Estimated value: $10.000.00

Here is something your tax dollars paid for. A $19,000,000,000 Russian built space toilet. The new system will be able to produce drinking water for the astronauts. :-0

After buying this for the astronauts, you may want this one...
The Serial Killer Seat. Always on the run.

Geez, thank God that never happens at home. ;-p