Sunday, January 3, 2010

Am I ready for this?

nurse waving Hi there, Mr. Downeastdoingstuff, AKA Birdman. I just have to find my non-latex gloves, snap them on and I'm ready! (I think.......????) (Yeah, I am.) (I think.....)

Tomorrow you are registering into the hospital. You are having your heart fixed. Make sure you tell the doc to be careful, since you already have my heart. You've had it for over 34 years.


But back to reality, as I said in a comment on your blog, my dear Birdman, I've been studying Nurse Ratchet for several weeks now and I must say, she's got it all together. 

So off to the hospital you go. (Again....)

Now even further back to reality, it's been snowing for 3 days now and you are out snowblowing the driveway as I type. Two days ago you had ME try THIS THING out......
And I drove it directly into this....

No damage done, missed the electric eye of the garage opener by a good eighth of an inch, so all is well. Are you trying to tell me that you won't be able to snow blow for a while??? 

Today I have to try raking the roof. With a snow rake. What's up with that?

And you tell me  that 'I' have to actually put wood into the woodstove?? That I have to go outside to the woodshed all hours of the day, and pick up logs and bring them into the house?

I thought that happened automatically.

So, I guess I'm ready. (

Just as soon as I practice doing this....

needle    animation