I started school when I was four years old. I am now....well....much, much older.
I have never had a September where I didn't go to school since then.
(That's actually a lie....I took a year off maternity leave 23 years ago.)
Apparently, I like school.
So the first full day of school, the first class, I, the teacher, had a lot to say.
In fact, I talked most of the period.......with.....a......'hair'.....on my tongue.
(or something.....maybe it was cat fur....)
It creeps me out just thinking about it.
The hair kept moving around.
I kept talking.
I wanted to puke.

So there I was. Hair on tongue. No drink in sight and no way of plucking out the offending object without possibly infecting myself with a deadly virus.
Nearly killed me.