In the shade.....
I complain when it's cold.....and now I'm complaining because it's too dang HOT!
Is there anything wrong with wanting everything just to be PERFECT all the time???? Huh????
I was thinking about putting on my bathing suit to keep cool. This I can do, 'cause I'm inside my own house and do not have to gross anyone out....other than Birdman.
I feel good about saving the world from embarrassment.
These folks however, apparently don't care about that....

sorry this one came out so big......

hmmmm, I look pretty darn good.......well......comparatively.
Enjoy the heat!
p.s. We have NO air conditioner.
UPDATE: This is the thermometer at around 4:30 pm. (I know it's in the sun.)
I've never seen that happen on that thermometer.