They told him that the second day would be one of the worst, and it was. He is being weaned off of a lot of the meds he was on, including the push button morphine doohickey. He was administered a pill for the pain that made him extremely nauseous and sweaty and his 'numbers' were thrown off. (their words, not mine)(sounds like some Las Vegas terminology)
He was feeling so poorly that he called me and asked me not to come in right after school. I was to wait a few hours so that he could rest.
I kept myself busy at school because it would have been pointless to go all the way home. So my nervous energy got a lot of work done in my classroom!!
Fortunately when I finally got up there around six, he was feeling much better.
His color is very good. They did take him out for his first walk in the morning. He managed just fine but said that his legs felt very weak, plus he has no appetite. I, myself, because somebody has to do it, had to eat his ice cream.
The nursing staff continues to be a source of wonderment.
I still keep asking him to try and stay there, oh, about 3 weeks and that I WOULD come up and visit him everyday, but he doesn't want to for some reason. Since I 'suck' as a nurse (sorry), I thought that was a great idea, but it didn't go over very well.
Seriously, I'm looking forward to Saturday. I am tired. My alarm at 5:20 am is not welcoming these days.
I am so thankful to all family and friends who have been so supportive. The support from my cyber friends, many of which I have never met, has been wonderful. Thank you.
Pork with Peanut Sauce
7 hours ago
I was afraid of this second day. But Birdman's a trooper, and so are you! Onward and upward, E. Try to catch some rest when you can. The B-man needs you to be well.
It can only get better from here... Please get some rest so you can support Birdman as best as you can. Hugs to you and gentle healing hugs (and prayers) for Birdman.
Hi...He'll just keep getting better from now on. Ahh... the comforts of home is what we all miss. We don't like to lose our freedom. Rest, when you can, and get ready to be there for him.Take care...Hugs, Balisha
OH yes, the second day - hopefully they'll find a pain pill that helps rather than hinders. Don was done taking pain pills by the time he came home - it was completely amazing. The surgeon said that older people feel less pain in heart surgeries than younger - go figure.
The lack of appetite is very usual for heart patients - not sure why that is - so try to get him as much protein as possible when he will eat - Don's appetite didn't improve for quite some time, but it does come back to normal.
Enjoy your weekend - I know the exhaustion feeling.
Overall, a very good report to read. Pain meds can take away appetite in cats so I extrapolate that to humans too...
Rest and think Florence Nightengale...
It must be a difficult time for you all right now - thinking of you & your hubby, all the way over here in Africa. Keep strong ! xx
It must be tough - possibly worse for you than for him! But hope all continues to go well. Very best wishes from here in UK.
I have had 11 aurgeries, and only one was a walk in the park. I usually have a fantastic you can tell from my weight chart, but when ever I have surgery I simply cannot eat. My family always eats all my hospital meals. Sounds like he is progressing well, and that you are doing a fine job too. It's always so hard for the spouse (YOU). Hope he is home soon, Hugs, Kathleen
Your updates are perfect. Thank you. Beaming you and Birdman steady recovery.
... you needed a few days off yourself to be able to find some extra energy.... and to be where you wanted to be when you wanted to....
yeh... one can only imagine the pain ... and don't worry about not being a great nurse... few are. It's a calling even when women are wives and mothers...the two don't always go hand in hand... but, you will do what you have to and more....
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