Apparently, because there was nothing else on my mind at the time, I thought about how one never sees that style of seat in anyone's home. Why not?
I went home and asked Johnny Depp Mr. Downeast doing stuff what he thinks about this. After some rolling of the eyes, he said, "Probably for men."
I said, "huh?" "Don't men lift the seat?"
"He said, "not when they're sitting down."
After that comment, I decided I didn't want to know anymore.
But I was thinking about all the different types of toilet seats out there. I've only experienced a few:
1. Regular (hard seat)
2. Wooden (we had one, it eventually split itself. Needed duct tape to fix it. Unpleasant situation for a while.)
3. Soft seat. (Creepy)
4. The aforementioned split seat. (see***)
So I did some research for you because I know you don't have time. Here is what I've found.
You can get.....
Painted seats: Some people would like custom painted seats, you know, with a portrait of your sweetie, Cha Cha.

Or perhaps a guitar theme seat: Provides good acoustics for your music.

How about a Sponge Bob Square Pants seat?

Or a square seat: For Sponge Bob Square Pants and his ilk.

Maybe someLED lights seats: You can illuminate the job.

Or the face toilet: Bite my butt! Grrrr

This is the golfers toilet seat cover: (There must be a joke about a 'hole in one' for this.)

The up and at 'em toilet seat: Guaranteed to wake you up in the morning.

This is a 24 carat gold toilet available in Hong Kong, for all of you receiving a stimulus package or a million dollar bonus. Estimated value: $10.000.00

Here is something your tax dollars paid for. A $19,000,000,000 Russian built space toilet. The new system will be able to produce drinking water for the astronauts. :-0

After buying this for the astronauts, you may want this one...
The Serial Killer Seat. Always on the run.

Geez, thank God that never happens at home. ;-p
Wow! And I thought the Tic Tac story was VERY strange! Good Grief! I'd say get a life, but I know you have a GOOD one. Friends are beginning to ask questions. Yes, she married up!
Thanks for a most informative and hilarious post, Elenka ! (It certainly gave me something to think about ..... ewwwwww !)
Well now Elenka....that guitar seat might make a good father's day gift for my Dad who is almost impossible to buy for! Ha! Where on earth did you find it?
i hope i don't ever have to use that one with the tacks on it! yikes!
smiles, bee
Now I've heard it all...a post on toilet seats. You certainly did a lot of research on this subject. Who knew there were so many seats out there...We could have Toilet Tuesday and show all of our toilet seats :)
What a hoot! Only you Elenka could find something like this.
Wow, who would have known you were into potty humor??? Ha!Ha!
You started it, baby!!
love ya!
I love this post!!
Who knew there were so many options!
But, I'm almost embarrassed to admit this, umm what is a split seat? I still don't get it.
Hilarious! I live with two males, we won't even talk about bathrooms .. ok ?
Nah, here's the toilet seat to end all toilet seats.
functioning link to above
You are freaking hilarious!!!!!!! Oh my gosh, I laughed so hard!! That tack one though, yowza....
Wow what a post. A couple of those scared the crap out of me (pun very intended). I've seen lot's of painted seats. Phil loved the guitar seat....uhm, he could write music, play and do his business all in one setting.
Have a happy day
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