Last weekend we went on a one day roadtrip up to Greenville, Maine. Once know as T9R10NWP (NOT kidding...), Greenville is on the southern tip of Moosehead Lake. Called Moosehead Lake because it supposedly looks like, you guessed it, a Moose's head. It sorta does and it is home to many, many, many Moose, and Mooses and probably some Meese, too.
(Actual moose crash cars pictured below.)
Cresting a hill, Moosehead Lake suddenly came into view. Nice. (See how it looks like a Moose Head?*&^%$#@)
Then we found a nice picnic table on the shores of the lake to have our lunch. My pathetic coffee yogurt is in that red bag. The mister is eating a club wrap with, get ready, CHIPS ! (Not in my diet, I'd like to say.) (As long as I don't place said chip into my mouth.)
Your car is trouble for them.

Moose average 6 to 7 feet high at their shoulders and the males can weigh 380 to 720 pounds or more.

They can do a job on your car if you should make contact with one.
This is the sign that greeted us to Greenville. Note the moose....
We stopped and got Mr. Downeastdoingstuff some take-out grub at the above place.
We roamed the street and visited shops up and down Main Street. We almost stopped for icecream, but I was too full from having my coffee yogurt for lunch. (yeah, right.)
And on we went to our next adventure in my next post............
By the way, we did not see one real moose. Probably for the best.
You could have pretended your coffee yogurt was moose mousse. Yummmm.
Oh I just love Greenville...but I wouldn't love going there on a diet...bravo to you for your resolve!
I'd love to visit that part of the country!
what a cute little town! i'm so jealous you can go on a day trip to a place like that. the only place i'll get to after a days worth of driving is in the middle of a corn field. that or soy beans. fun.
Great post! God...I have lived in Maine all my life (not telling how long that is) and never been to Moosehead that I can remember anyway? Getting those senior moments more every day now....guess that might tell my age...shoot...but I must add that to my list of places to go. It does remind me a bit of the Dover-Foxcroft/Dexter area. Love those northerners and the down home country way they all have about them. Now those are REAL Mainers! As far as Moose, we have a friend that hunts them every year. We ended up at a potluck with him and guess what he brought? Yup...Moose balls! Not the real ones but meatballs made of moose...didn't look too appealing to me so I passed! Just the thought of it made my stomach take a few turns. Thanks for the nice Maine views and I am with you on that diet...only you are much more in control than I am! Good for you.:)
Great moosey post, Elanka... Everything is MOOSE in that area for sure. Glad a moose didn't come up behind you and eat that yummy yogurt!!!!! ha ha (Think he would rather eat that sandwich, don't you think?????)
We see alot of "Watch for DEER" signs and "Don't Feed the Bears" signs around here --but I've never see one saying to "Moose Watch".....
Great post.
What a gorgeous area! I haven't explored much of Maine, but your photos definitely make me want to visit this area. I haven't been in a few years and I am itching to get back! :)
Thanks for visiting my blog. I have loved exploring yours!
What a fun trip - are you going to paint a moose - or the lake?
What a great adventure, and a beautiful place. Too bad you didn't get to see any real mooses.
very interesting ...
what beautiful and majestic animals they are
moose medicine here -
Only in Maine, Elenka..Only in Maine.
I've never seen a moose but would love to one day. How funny that you went to moose country & never saw a 'real' one ;)
This time of year is so hard to be on a diet! It's harder for me this time of year (and I need to be on a diet ALL YEAR!) because I want to cook all sorts of hearty New England soups and stews and almost all of them contain lovely Maine potatoes. Yeah, enough said about that!
We have yet to visit Greenville. Sounds like something we need to do.
This weekend we're headed up to Mt. Battie in Camden.
I've seen the Elk Herds in the Smokies but never have seen a live Moose! LOVE that quaint town though! :)
Every summer we go out looking for Moose, this past summer we had a mother and a baby jump out behind our car.. quite the scare! They were massive! I'm from upstate NY, but every summer I go to Embden Pond/ Madison area for a week or so.
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