I have just finished another pastel in my road series. Here is the finished version. Below that, you can see the progression. I think it's pretty much self-explanatory. If not, you may comment any questions below. Thanks for looking!
Green Chile Beef Cabbage Bowl
17 hours ago
I am in absolute total and complete awe of your talent. What gallery do you sell your works out of?
I love your painting...hey, I think I've been down that road LOL. Do you sell your paintings? Have a great evening! hugs, Kathleen
wow..... and did I mention... wow... I love the progressional pictures.. I often wonder how pictures are done... I still couldn't do it myself though... ;D
absolutely amazing...
x Alex
This is a great way to use a blog. I hope the next step is a stop motion video of your creative process.
I had the privilege of seeing this one this summer as it was being painted. Thing about Elenka is... she has 15 million things going on and she's painting on the porch too!!
Elenka, Bravo!
Now, Relax and have a Cosmo, will ya?
Love it! Came here expecting another trip for you, this is cool :)
Oh, Elenka, you really evoke the sense of danger and determination with this painting. Road conditions like this could go either way, wet or ice, and you leave us on that knife edge, not knowing how the journey will end for these travelers. The post itself is excellent. I loved getting a glimpse of your process.
Elenka, yet again, I am blown away by how talented you are! You certainly have been blessed with a wonderful gift. Thanks for sharing the final product, as well as the process, with us.
Loved watching the progression of your work. I agree with Maine Arts Commission. It would be great to see a video of the process. Beautiful work.
Love it! The lights reflecting on the road look so real. Thanks for showing the progress of your work. I've never used chalks, but would love to try it some time. Do you sell your art and if so where?
Hey that's really great...
It is so cool to see your process. Your work is beautiful, your talent amazing.
The first pastel was so good you made me shiver! It was interesting to watch your process.
So interesting to see what an amazing piece you were able to create from the few basic strokes you started off with. I am in awe!
Amazing, Elenka.. Since I can't even draw a stick figure, I'm SO impressed. I love seeing it come together step by step. Thanks SO much for showing us your talent. WOW!!!
how do you do it?? how do you make that road look as though it is shimmering? you are amazing!!
%*_*% rosey
Fascinating, the progression. Wish I could do that.
Elenka, how exciting to find your blog! I thoroughly enjoyed looking through it. I've seen many pastels, but never one like this. It's as though the light is really coming from your painting. It's wonderful!
I also liked it the one step before viola! Kinda fun to see a picture that is just missing a few details. I might buy one like that to hang up for interest.
you are AMAZING!!! I just love it! and the progression is a brilliant way to show us your journey!
You are such a hoot!!! Love your painting, and your blog. Oh yeah, thanks for the nice comment about my rooster painting!
Elenka, I am so glad I found your blog. What a great pastel. Love how the cars are backlit. The road looks a bit slick but that is New England for you. Thanks so much for leaving a comment on my blog.
I love watching how it all comes together...just beautiful Elenka!
Mind blowingly lovely work.
I don't know how you artists do it ! I can't manage even a drawing ! Brilliant work - well done
wow, amazing! And thanks for taking pictures along the way!
This is brilliant! I loved seeing it from start to finish
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