When I lived in New Jersey, we used to go 'down the shore'.
In Maine, you go to the 'beach'.
In New Jersey, we used to actually go INTO the water. And like it.
In Maine, I myself, barely put my piggies in.
The water is colder than a witches you know what, even in July and August.
But it's still very nice. No boardwalks or shops or 50 million people trying to find their little piece of real estate for their blanket. And Birdman (Mr. Downeastdoingstuff) reminded me that these beaches are FREE. He was shocked when we would go down the shore in New Jersey, have to pay AND wear a badge all day! Downright shocked.
Check it out.
But, I myself, don't go into the water. Well, maybe up to my ankles, for 30 seconds. If it's especially hot out.
I don't need a lifeguard.
So in Maine, when you go to the beach, you:
1. Look around at the absolutely beautiful scenery.
2. Read.
3. Nap.
4. Eat munchies.
5. Take a walk.
When I take a walk, or I see folks taking a walk, I know that one of the main jobs of walkers is to pick stuff up off of the sand. Unless you are moving at a high rate of speed, ie. joggers, or have your arms glued around a significant other, ie. new love, your job is to pick stuff up, scrutinize it and then put it into your pocket, if you have one, or into a bag.
I carry a Hannaford bag.
Putting stuff in my pockets make me look fat, so I carry a bag.
So these bags make it home and into the garage. I have bags of shells, rocks and driftwood.
Sometimes I even make stuff out of the stuff. Sometimes the stuff just stays in the garage for years.
Here are some fish I made of driftwood....yeah......for no reason at all that I can think of.
I think I've picked up all the rocks in the world that have lines on them because I haven't found any more in a couple of years.
Then, for no apparent reason, I wrapped rope or string around rocks that have lines in them to accentuate the lines.
I just felt it was my job to do this.
Who else would have done this?
So I did.
I waste a lot of time.
Oh, yeah. That photo of the plane at the beginning of this post... it's real. See for yourself.
(Maho Bay Beach, St. Maarten)
Loved the post Elenka! Great shots and the plane video is awesome! Have a great weekend!
I love the Maine beach pictures. That's my kind of beachcombing and beach being. I have all the other striped rocks, plus a bunch of heart-shaped ones, and perfectly round ones, and perfectly black ones - I could go on. The plane is totally freakish. Yikes!
Holy cow! Yes the h20 in Maine is colder than Mass...can feel cool fall breeze today!
AY,iy! MY goodness! The plane scares me! How horrid.
I was brought up in Harpswell and we could see Portland head light (still can)and I had to laugh at your description of the water- Today....when I dip my piggies, I can not believe I swan in that as a kid, everyday!
Love the driftwood fish!!! And Jasper Beach in Machiasport has rocks with lots of lines...and they are real jasper. Not that I have ever taken any.....
Loved your creative experiments with natural materials. Sticks and stones hold a fascination for me also. We lived under a flight path once. When my daughter was tiny and had her toddler playmates visit, one went "straight to ground" once. We, including the pets, were quite used to it all.It was reminiscent of, but nothing like, the flight scene you've featured, if that makes sense.That is just bizarre.
Lovely beach photos - what a nice relaxing time - until that plane came in -holy moly that scared me silly.
I like the rocks - and the driftwood fish - I should use my driftwood for something - I have quite a bit - though my biggest piece is already in the yard - it looks like a whale diving - and I didn't have to do anything to it. We got it on an island - had to wedge it in between the front seats to get it all the way into the station wagon- and then get on the ferry without it being taken away from us. We made it - felt kinda sneaky but I love that piece.
Been to that beach in St. Maarten. Luckily I wasn't there when a flight came in -- would have wigged me out.
Elenka, would you mind if I use your delightful stone and wood photos (with a link to you) to illustrate my next intended post?...it's to illustrate this type of work for a poem called "The Gatherers".
Love the fish sculptures particularly. And that plane...why didn't anyone duck?
Thanks for getting back to me Elenka. Posts up. Coffee's on!
I have always marveled at your attention to the details. While the rest of us walk, talk, hold a child in tow, or look at the scenery, you're watching the ground. You've given the rest of us pause...we need to start looking at the ground!!! Thanks to you, sis-in-law.. life is truly a beach!!
Hi, Thanks for visiting me. I had to come see you, too. I love your blog...very entertaining! I love your driftwood fish and the rocks. I'm always collecting rocks and shells if I can find them (there's not too much left on the beaches in CA). I used to be a teacher, too. I was laid off so I decided to retire early.
Hugs, Susan
I love your driftwood fish.
I had friends visiting from PA who usually vacation at the Jersey Shore and they went swimming with me yesterday at Popham beach. It was almost warm. Pick a beach that mixes with a river.
Love your rocks!
I used to go to the beach in Lincolnville and sun but, like you, wouldn't go in to swim. I would actually stop at a lake on the way home to swim and cool off. We live on a creek and have a swimming pool in the front yard. I am so with you on not swimming in the Maine ocean!
I LOVE Portland Head Light. I think it is just magnificent. I used to live near the beach when I lived at Biddeford Pool, and at Old Orchard. I miss it. Now,. I'm here in the North Woods, and have Moose in my yard. Guess you can't have it all. Hugs, Kathleen
Oh yes, I can thoroughly attest to the water in Maine being so cold it FRIGGIN HURTS!!!
But I manage to get in there every year.;)
As for the rocks and drift wood, the reason that you do these things is that you are so supremely talented that you just can't help yourself. You find artistic expression and inspiration in even the smallest of things. Lucky you are madam....
Don't question it, just go with it.
That was awsome!!!!
I have got to fix it so that your blog pops up on my blog roll. It used to, but blogger is being difficult, and now I'm way behind.
Love the rocks. I have one with a line in it (remind me if we ever meet!) that you can have.
My parents were from NJ, and they never once went in the water in Maine, even though my brother and I always did. Of course, I'm old now, and barely get my feet wet at the ocean. I'm more of a lake girl now, I guess.
Love the gathering and making something from nothing...saved for years, forgotten in a drawer...I was a big rock collector as a kid, that and sea glass. Oh, that plane was real!
gosh i don't know why i have not been here before... please forgive me! this is a lovely blog! i love your rocks too, are you as nutty as me? no, i don't think so, but you may be on your way! ha ha (just kidding!) i love the eyes in that other post too! beautiful. and i have been to that beach in st. maarten, scary for sure!
smiles, bee
I think your beach day description is just perfect! I know the kids love to get wet, but for me it is more fun to enjoy the beauty and be inspired as you have described. I love your fish sculptures in particular, really nice left natural. And thanks for the nice comments on my blog, they mean a lot coming from you.
Thanks for reminding me about those awesome driftwood fish Elenka! You have such a wonderful imagination. ~Lili
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