Last Thursday.... lovely day at the beach with Mr. Downeastdoingstuff, aka Birdman.

Next day, rain.....again.......

Went to the Una Bar to try and keep dry.....(song, 'How dry I am', inspired by such an event.)

Had to order up a couple of cosmopolitan's and some crabcakes. Then another cosmo.....

Then off to the Portland Museum of Art. VERY cosmopolitan. And free on Fridays.

Free view from one of the round windows toward the Eastland Hotel

There was art work inside.

When we left, the rain had stopped and the sky became a piece of art.

Then to Jan Mee's for Chinese food.

That's it. Nice time.
yay... a sunny day.....oh rain again!
Weather man says we'll have sunshine tomorrow... shan't hold my breath though... what a lovely couple of days...and I love pretty skies....
x Alex
Oh I hope the skies open up and shine on me as I leave for the week on Friday for YORK BEACH, ME.
How far are you? Do you have any art in any of the galleries there?? I would love to see and Elenka original, or possibly Elenka the original.
Oh, you make me homesick for Portland with this post, Elenka. Mr. Downeastdoingstuff looks oh, so done in under his hat. But then quite reinvigorated by his cosmo. Or was that his second cosmo...? Me, too, regarding Candy's inquiry.
Hey, PMA 'there was art work inside'???? 2 Cosmos or was that 3?
That last plate of food looks so good. What a nice day.
Great to see pics of Portland. I went there all the time, when I worked at Mercy Hospital.The beach looked delicious...I haven't been to the beach for a long time. Sound like we all love your art. hugs, Kathleen
Wow, haven't been to an art museum in like FOREVER. Portland looks like a happening spot compared to our area. I'm liking the weather forecast finally...hope you get more days at the beach before the end of the season!
Loved your photos. Looks like a fun time. Thanks for your visit and comment. It's inspired me to post more pictures of that weekend here in South Australia. I'll mention your curiousity about the lizard (I in fact, got closer to it!!)with a link to you. Hope you don't mind!.
Disclaimer for everyone but Elenka: Sorry to all the people who are coming to visit this site and are not interested in storage containers. Elenka, sometimes I just want to pick up the phone and call you. The glass leftover containers were a gift from my daughter. She came into my kitchen and threw away all of the plastic and left me with a set of four (Christmas present) and then four more because I kept telling her how much I used the first four. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes and I think they are the best kitchen invention since the spatula. They are not stackable but they are rarely out of use long enough to cause a storage problem. Do you want me to find out where she got them?
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