Can one be a tourist if they are not 'from away'? According to the dictionary....
(1 : one that makes a tour for pleasure or culture)......YES YOU CAN! So we did.....
Living in Maine is picturesque no matter what you do. But there are some places that are so beautiful, I almost feel like I see it for the first time, even after the jakillionith time.
The other gorgeous day we took a day trip to Ogunquit, Maine. Drive up or down route one, turn toward the ocean in the center of Ogunquit and head to Perkins Cove.
Parking is limited IN Perkins Cove, although you can try. It's $3 an hour there. Or you can do what we did and park in a gravel parking lot just before the entrance to Perkins Cove. It cost $8 for as long as you want. You can walk anywhere from there, to the Cove or back onto the main street.
Here is my personal travelogue.....I hope you enjoy it. Come to Maine!!

Welcoming sign to Perkins Cove.

The first restaurant you see entering the Cove itself is
Barnacle Billys. Great seafood. They do have valet parking. I do believe that is the actual valet hunk standing there under the 'brella.

This is the second Barnacle Billys food place. Tables for their ice cream service. Both restaurants are right on the Kennebunk River. This river is heading into the ocean, which is right there. The river part of the Cove is what creates the harbor.

Some of the boats in the river. NOTE THE LITTLE BRIDGE IN THE BACK. (click on photo to englarge.)

This is the view from up on that little foot bridge. But, what to do when this sailboat wants to go under it?? The bridge is NOT taller than that mast. Problem.

Well, not really a problem if someone notices you. You see, it's a do it yourself draw bridge. Except you can't do it yourself if you are actually on the sailboat. You have to count on the good graces of someone standing on or near to bridge to go up there and push a button!!!!

This guy was the self appointed button pusher designee. He was so excited to do it he was talking about quitting his day job! The sailboat cruised through unscathed.
I guess if you're a practical joker, you could possibly walk away at this point, separating families from each other forever that have become stuck on either side of the bridge.
But, having a heart, this bridge operator pushed the button again and let the bridge down.

One way folks get around from all the hotels and resorts is by trolley for $1.50. You can go up and down the main street, to the Cove or to the large sandy beach on the other side of an inlet.

This is a view of a street in the Cove area.

There are lots of food establishments. We chose this one situated right on the water. It was called
Jackie's Too.

All the tables right on the water's edge were full, so we were one row in. After we sat down for 5 minutes, a table right next to us became vacant. But it was OK, we were close enough.

I splurged on a Lobster Roll. ($14.95)

After lunch we decided to stroll down Marginal Way, an absolutely gorgeous walkway along the ocean's edge between Perkins Cove and downtown Ogunquit.

It's a well maintained path meandering along the Atlantic.

The waves have calmed considerably from 2 days before, when Hurricane Bill rolled through.

There are many benches along the way to rest and contemplate.

Check out the little rock sculptures would be artists create along the way. (Click on pic to enlarge...)

The Patriot's Day Storm in April, 2007, did a lot of destruction in Maine. (Ask ME, lost everything in the cellar and insurance wouldn't cover the supposed 'flood'....but that's another story.) (We are NOT in a flood zone and on a hill. It still was deemed a flood...) (Not that I'm still pissed about it or anything.....grrrrrr....) (Know your insurance policy!) Anywho.....

Enlarge this photo....people sunning themselves on the nice, soft rocks.
A lot of improvements were made after the 2007 storm, such as these stairs to the water and nice, level areas made for all the benches, etc.

Marginal way comes out behind several resorts, and onto the main drag. A quick walk up to route one presents you with lots of shops and restaurants.

We strolled into this place....

And got this.
This is 3 Muskateers icecream. Seems like coffee icecream with big chunks of chocolate and some syrup that looks like motor oil mixed in.
A wonderful, wonderful day.