I get emails from the Kim Komando Radio Show, a show about computers and web sites and stuff like that.
You can sign up for free 'Cool Sites' and you will get all kind of interesting and not so interesting web sites sent to you. You get one a day.
Today was a riot.
It's a translation site where if you type in a few sentences, it will translate what you type back and forth into other languages and then back into English.
As they say, a lot is lost in translation.
I typed in the chorus line from Don MacLean's 'American Pie' song.
Here's what I got....
Original text:
"So, bye-bye, Miss American Pie Drove my chevy to the levee But the levee was dry And them good old boys were drinkin' whiskey and rye Singin' this'll be the day that I die This'll be the day that I die "
...10 translations later we get:
"So, goodbye, and ordered the United States Chevrolet gave me a beautiful dam, but the dams are dry and good whiskey and rye singing students, to be drunk one day, it will be the day I die"
I think it has something to do with the day I retire from teaching. The students will be drunk, and I will have ordered my first Chevy, dam it. And since it will be the day I die, I will rethink my decision and never leave my singing students, even if the beautiful dam is dry. Dam it all.
Try it yourself......here.
I love Kim Komando's show!
Now that is funny! I can totally see how that could be lost in translation! Funny!!!!!
Stay warm and dry, my dear...
That is funny! I used to get Kim Kommando stuff, but then it began to be as annoying as spam, so I unsubscribed.
Say whut?! Yep, just a few things lost in the translation. Dam...now I'll be humming that song all day...:)
First Chevy???? Forget the red Vega? or did you leave it stuck in the levee? ps. Where's the dam guide in your first picture? damn! hahahaha!
Makes sense to me - hahahaha
Oh yeah, my Vega.
Dam memory.....
Great post!
Gosh I still have translation troubles just trying to merge my southern accent into all the Downeast ones around here! Love Kim Komando! ~Lili
the translation is almost joyceian. what fun.
It's like an electronic version of that old game, Telephone. Very funny!
Hey that was pretty good. Leave it to you to come up with the American Pie chorus though!!
We have listened to Kim Komando on radio on Sunday's for years. My husband repairs and rebuilds computers for a living and creates websites and also does photo restoration. Kim has some great tips but apparently falls short sometimes with my husband! I hear him bitching in the background about her..."now Kim...why did you tell that person to do that? Once again you're going round to the back of the barn!" Not sure what it all means. I will try the translator though. Hey...ever hear of Leo LaPorte?? Used to be on Tech Tv years ago? We miss him!!
Speaking of the Vega, El, that was a DAM good little car. That stick shift in the winter was a real cruiser, wasn't it?
Forida Checks In!
That's funny! I have never had much luck with those Babelfish translator thingies...but I never realized that closed captioned TV run into the same thing. When I moved to Virginia and was in a sports bar with my hubby, the words on the tv screen looked wayyyyy off, til I realized that it was misreading the southern accent of the reporter! No kidding!
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