Today was hospital check in day. ( See yesterday's post.) Our son and my sister-in-law took Mr. Downeastdoingstuff into the hospital to be prepped for the heart surgery scheduled for tomorrow. (I worked) They weren't there very long when the surgeon said that the results of Saturday's blood test showed some sort of abnormality and that they cannot proceed with the surgery right now until all that is figured out. More tests are on the horizon, but the mental and therefore, physical drain of this let down has been difficult. He worked so hard on being prepared for this day and to have a positive attitude that this burst bubble he experienced today has been tough.
So we don't know how this story is going to pan out. We're hanging in there and praying for everything to come back to normal so that this procedure can come to fruition.
Dangest thing.
Update: OK, I'm trying to be serious here as this a very serious subject. Mr. Downeastdoingstuff (also known as Birdman on his blog...) makes a very serious observation. If you scroll in the 'comments' section, you will find his astute observations well documented.